Filternox® engineering and test team conducted filtration tests at a local food company’s refinery clean tower point in October 2020. Tests were carried out with serially connected Filternox® NTU Terminator filters at flow rates of 2, 3 and 5 m3/h  and under 2, 2.6 and 2.7 bar pressure.

Flow Chart

Sample and System Images

Pic 1. Filternox pilot filtration system Pic 2. Left to right – Filter-1 inlet, Filter-1 outlet, Filter-2 outlet water samples
Pic 3. Filter-1 and Filter-2 drainage water samples Pic 4. Filter-1 drainage tank


Conclusion and Evaluation

In the filtration tests performed with the filtration of Filternox® NTU Terminator filters;

At Refinery Clean Tower Point:

  • TSS removal was achieved on average of 47% in one stage and 67% in two stages.
  • Turbidity removal was achieved on average 56% in one stage and 73% in two stages.

As a result of the filtration to be performed in the cooling line with Filternox® NTU Terminator filtration system;

  • Lifetime of the tower filling will increase
  • The amount of chemicals used in the system will be reduced
  • The amount of tower blowdown water will be reduced
  • Cooling efficiency will be increased
  • Unnecessary stops / work interruptions will be prevented
  • Operation, maintenance and energy costs will be reduced
  • The cooling line will be protected from particles

With all of these mentioned benefits, cooling efficiency is increased incredibly.