
Filters for Surface Water Treatment Systems (River Water, Lake Water)

Filter Applications

Like sea water, surface water also contains a wide variety and sizes of contaminant particles. To effectively meet this challenge, filtration units require both coarse and fine automatic filtration. Sediment build up and the consequent loss of efficiency is one of the main problems in heat exchangers, nozzles, ion exchange systems, seals, membranes and other sensitive equipment.

To prevent unscheduled and unforseen system shut downs for cleaning, the installation of Filternox® Automatic Self Cleaning Filters will remove suspended particles from the incoming water source such as lake water and river water, thus providing uninterrupted operating conditions.

The use of Filternox® Automatic Self Cleaning Filters helps maintain optimum pumping conditions by preventing pressure drop caused by sediment build up.

Filternox recently designed an enhanced new filter model especially for surface water treatment applications.

Surface water treatment

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Recommended filters for surface water filtration

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Contact us today for a customized lake or river water filtration solution. No matter how big or small your project might be, Filternox® engineers are going to assist you from start to finish.

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